StarCare Specialty Health System’s Rehabilitation services are generally intended for individuals who require intensive rehabilitation to increase community connection, establish support networks, and develop coping strategies in order to function effectively in their social environment.
The general focus of intensive rehabilitation services is to support the individual through a team approach that engages him/her as a key partner in their rehab. The goal is to stabilize symptoms, improve social function, develop self-advocacy skills, increase natural supports in the community, and/or sustain improvements made in more intensive services.
The emphasis is on bolstering identified strengths and reducing functional needs through:
- medication management
- skill-training activities
- symptom management
- independent living
- self-reliance
- substance use education
- employment strategies
- impulse control
- effective interaction with peers, family, and community.
To be eligible to receive Rehabilitation services:
Adults must:
- Be 18 years or older
- Have a diagnosis of Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder, each with psychotic features
- Have high needs in family functioning, natural supports, employment, residential stability, substance use, and criminal behavior
- Have had multiple psychiatric crises
Youth must:
- Be 3 to 17 years old
- Have a mental health diagnosis
- Be at risk of having to move away from their home or school
- Be enrolled in special education
StarCare Specialty Health System Facilities and Vehicles are Tobacco Free