Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)

PATH is a vital program aimed at reaching out to homeless individuals or those at risk of becoming homeless. Its primary goal is to connect them with essential mental health services.

Services Include:


  • Referrals to Mental Health Resources and Assessments
  • Referrals to Community Resources
  • Housing Assistance Rent, deposit, or application fee assistance (subject to funding availability).
  • Must have a form of stable and sufficient income to receive one-time housing assistance.
  • Household items assistance (subject to funding availability).
  • Case Management to address housing barriers and referrals to community assistance.


Service Region Includes the Counties of:

Region 1 –Cochran, Crosby, Hockley, Lubbock and Lynn

Qualifications to Receive Services Includes:

  • 18 years or older
  • Experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless
  • Must qualify for StarCare Outpatient Mental Health Services – Confirmed at intake screening during assessment appointment when diagnosis is determined.

To Inquire about Eligibility for PATH Services:
